Know more About Lufkin Tapes Quality

Did you know that 25% of Lufkin Anthropometric Tape Measures are defective?

We are checking them one by one for our distributors and rejecting 25% returning them to the manufacturer.

How can you avoid problems with Lufkin Anthropometric Tape Measures in your country?

Buy them with NutriActiva, or buy another model. Cescorf and AnthroFlex tapes are excellent alternatives with better quality control from the manufacturer.

 The most common defects are:

  • Loose shell
  • Shell with sharp / uneven edges
  • Stickers that peel off

Note of Recommendation: If you use alcohol to clean your metal tape, clean it afterwards with water and make sure that the tape is completely dry or else it run the risk of rusting. 

AnthroFlex Anthropometric Tape Measure

Cescorf Anthropometric Tape Measure

 AnthroFlex Tape Measure


cescorf tape measure



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